Friday, February 24, 2006

This blog has been, over the years, mostly a platform for me to post fiction, ramblings, PJs, and other suchlike stuff which isn't closely connected to the outside world. But sometimes an event occurs that so closely echoes my personal belief that it deserves, nay, requires to be posted here.

Manjunath Shanmugam's murder was not exactly one of those - we have seen it happen several times. But the response from 'Young India', folks like us, to this event was amazing. Though the case had been buried by the mainstream media, it was folks like Gaurav Sabnis that dragged it back to life. Newspapers went on to give momentum to the issue and brought the case into the spotlight.

The next logical step has been taken. A formal Trust has been created by his classmates, to make sure the case comes to the correct conclusion. Gaurav posts the mail from the trust on his blog. Please, do what you can to help.

Unless you want to spend your life talking about how India's a terrible place to live in and how society's going bad.